Clearpoint Worship
​Our vision for worship at Clearpoint is relatively simple; our church family uniting to worship God because He alone is worthy. That vision encompasses so many ideas though! We are starting to understand that worship is much more than just singing songs; it’s a lifestyle! And so our vision for worship at Clearpoint is really that our church family would lead lives characterized by worship. Along with that vision, some of our worship team goals are listed below.​​
To lead our church family’s fight for unity by fighting for the people in our worship family
That our worship would be a spiritual encounter with God, not just an emotional experience
To create a diverse and sustainable worship team ready to serve a diverse church for the long-run
To bring people into our culture of worship and empower them to lead
To use worship to unify the larger church body in our community
Sunday Worship
Our goal for Sunday worship is to lead people to the throne of God through worship. We love to use songs of praise to turn our congregation’s attention back towards heaven where Jesus sits at the right hand of God the Father. Casting our hearts and minds back towards Him and singing out His praise are some of the most powerful spiritual weapons we have at our disposal. We use our songs to do exactly that; remind people of the God who created us, the God who loves us, and the God who lives inside of us.
Refuge Worship
Our worship team also leads worship for Refuge, our Wednesday night youth group. Our goal for Refuge worship is the same as Sunday morning; lead people to the throne of God through worship. However, we like to have a little more fun on Wednesday nights! We jump, we dance, we shout, and we do it all because we have a good God who loves us. Refuge worship is also a great place for our younger worship leaders to grow and learn what it means to lead worship. We use Refuge worship as a pipeline for growing up the next generation of worship leaders, and we already see God working in powerful ways through our youth leaders to shape the culture of worship at Clearpoint.
Our Team
Here at Clearpoint, we see our worship team more as a family than a team. Of course, like with any family, sometimes opinions differ and conflicts arise. Worshipping means engaging in the spiritual battle going on all around us, and that leaves us vulnerable to attacks from the enemy. But time and time again, we have been reminded that we worship a victorious God! He has brought us through trial after trial and turned us into a family along the way. Young and old, beginners and veterans, singers and musicians, you name it and we’ve got it. I don’t tell them near enough, but I love every single one of them and am so grateful God has placed them here. They love one another, fight for one another, and lead worship because they believe God alone is worthy to be praised.
If you’re interested in getting involved with any aspect of our worship family, please email Ofel Gonzalez at ofel@clearpointchurch.org.