Fast Devotional – Day Four
Title: Count it All Joy Text: James 1:2-8
Written by: Shayne Gatlin
Over the past 2 weeks I’ve been reading through the book of James and it has always been a challenging book. As I was thinking about what passage to write about James 1:2-8 really spoke to me. Not in the, oh my goodness this is so good kind of way but more the, oh my goodness this is so hard and against my nature kind of way.
The verses tell us to count all of our various trials as JOY. I had a chance to share about Joy this year for the church Advent. The definition in the dictionary means “Feeling of great pleasure and happiness”. I’m not sure about you, but I don’t think pleasure and happiness when I’m going through trials of various kinds. That is where the Shift comes into place. This world tells us to find Joy we must experience happiness, but God’s word tells us that going through trials produces “Steadfastness” which brings glory to God and in a closer relationship with Him. That is what Joy looks like.
As I’m writing this devotional, I’m experiencing my own trials of various kinds and many moments and days I try to handle things on my own. I struggle to reach out to God due to my stubbornness or pride that I’ve got this… under control. God’s word in verse 6 tells me to Shift the way I go through my day and for me to ask in “Faith” to my God for the strength, patience, love, forgiveness, grace, strength…. That I need to be the Holy man God has called me to be. With my current “trials” I reached out to others for prayer because things were hard and I was feeling ill-equipped. My Shift is I am Ill-equipped to handle the things of life that come my way, if I try to handle on my own. I need God, His Word, My Brothers and Sisters and Christ and the Love and support of others to show up the way God has called me too.
Begin on your knees in prayer for the Love, strength, kindness, forgiveness, and grace that you’ll need for the day. Don’t hide your struggles from others, confess them and share them with the BODY so we can listen, pray and be the hands and feet that God have called us to for one another. Finally, spend time with the father throughout the day. I can’t say that daily “I pray without Ceasing” but those days that I do I’m loved and strengthened in ways that are far and above more than I could have ever imagined.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that even in trials, You are working in us to produce steadfastness and bring us closer to You. Help me shift my perspective and trust that your plans are good, even when they are hard to understand. Give me the faith to come to You in prayer, asking boldly for the wisdom, strength, and grace I need to face each day. Teach me to walk in humility, sharing my struggles with others so that Your love can be shown through the Body of Christ.