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Hunger, Temptation, & Angels

Heather Lambert

Fasting Devotional – Day Nine

Title: Hunger, Temptation, & Angels

Text: Matthew 4:1-3, 11

Written by: Heather Lambert


“Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2 And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry. 3 Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” 11Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him.” (Matthew 4:1-3, 11)



Fasting makes us physically weak. Isn’t that an understatement? You can expect fatigue, weakness, burning in your muscles, stomach pains and cramps, frequent bathroom trips, and general aches and pains as symptoms of the body detox and shift of your body into its starvation mode. Fasting has a physical impact. When Jesus had fasted for 40 days, he was experiencing this impact at an exceedingly high level. He was weak, fatigued, and in pain. Then, the word tells us, at his weakest physically THE SPIRIT led him to be tempted by the devil. Why would the Spirit lead the weak, fatigued, and pain-laden Jesus to be tempted in the wilderness? The same reason the Sprit will allow us to be tempted!

For 17 years I worked in public education and there was always a period of teaching followed by a period of testing. It is the normal rhythm of learning. We will experience temptation during our time of hunger. Maybe you have already found this to be true, maybe it is yet to come, but know this…YOU are NOT alone!  Jesus, himself was tempted as we are, and he overcame. He used the word of God, the truth of God, His faith in God, and His authority in God to overcome! We can do the same! We are more than overcomers and we have all authority over Satan and his evil demons. There is no weapon formed against us that can prosper. (Isaiah 54:17) A time of fasting is often accompanied by a time of temptation and testing. This is so our faith can be strengthened! We get to see how strong we are and how powerless the enemy is! Choose praise today as you will be tempted, but you will also overcome! I know you will pass this test with amazing grace!

I have held to this scripture the most during times of temptation, I urge you to commit it to your memory. Corinthians 10:13, teaches, "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it". We will be tempted, but there is always a way of escape. Then, the best part of all, when we overcome, we will be ministered to be angels! Yes, angels! (Matthew 4:11, Hebrews 1:14).



What about you? Today are you in the midst of the physical struggles of the fast? Are you being tempted to quit, alter, lie, sneak, or deceive? Are other old temptations raising their head as you feel the familiar emptiness and yearning? Hold onto the word! Read and quote Corinthians 10:13 out loud! Cast Satan away in the authority you have as a child of God. OVERCOME! Then, look and wait for the angels God will send to minister and bless you! While the teacher is often quiet during the test, the presence is always there!



Dear Father in Heaven, your name alone is great. You alone are to be praised. We confess our hunger and our weakness. We are weak physically and spiritually. We need you every minute. Help us see that you are near. Help us believe that just as Jesus overcame, we too will overcome. NAY, we are more than conquerors. We have already been given the answers to the test in advance! We will use scripture and take authority over the veil one and we will overcome! Then, you will send angels to care for us. You love us so! We love you and thank you for calling us to this crucial time of battle!  We will win! AMEN!

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