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Resurrection Power

Heather Lambert

Fasting Devotional – Day FifteenTitle:  Resurrection Power

Text:  Matthew 17:19-21

Written by:  Heather Lambert


“Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?”20So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. 21However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” (Matthew 17:19-21)


Among the many purposes of fasting is to aim to increase our faith and strengthen our focus.  Faith and focus lead to miracles!  This is what Jesus is saying.  Faith is defined as “complete trust or confidence in someone or something.”  How difficult it can be to have complete trust and confidence when we have experienced betrayal, pain, and abandonment.  Fasting is a time to seek God and hear from Him in a powerful way as evidenced in Nehemiah 1.  We set aside the time for intent focus on God.  We desire to increase our faith.  We are ready to be used mightily by God.  We are attuned and listening.  We are focused and eliminating distractions to give more of ourselves to God.  We trust that he will sustain us, speak to us, use us, deliver us, heal us, help us.  We are desiring him more than ANYTHING else!

I have often heard people ask, “Why don’t we see healing like we see in other parts of the world?  Like we see in the Bible?” I believe this is directly linked to our lack of attentiveness to faith, prayer, and fasting.  The C.S. Lewis Institute in 2018 analyzed research on fasting in American and said, “Judging from recent research and anecdotal evidence, it appears that very few professing Christians in America think fasting has a place in the Christian life. Available evidence shows that we much prefer feasting!”  OUCH!  We can abstain from certain food for 21 days and experience some great health benefits.  But, when we resume eating, the benefits will dissipate.  We can use this time to intentionally deny ourselves so that we can increase our faith and dependence on him, and we can believe him for miracles! 

The Bible teaches in Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”  Remember, fasting is about giving Him all of our heart by faith.  This faith produces prayer and fasting in an insatiable hunger to see Him do the great and mighty works we recognize our world needs!


What about you? Do you believe God for miracles?  What miracles are you praying for today?  How does your heart need to be healed or directed?  Are you earnestly seeking Him above anything else?  Remember, fasting is not a diet, it is a choice to deny ourselves to surrender our desires to his perfect will and plans and to believe him for POWER to see real change.  First, in our own hearts, then in others.



Father, help us to focus intently on you above all. Help us to seek you with our whole hearts.  Reveal to us the wickedness in us that we must confess and repent of.  Do this work of healing miraculously in those of us who are earnestly seeking you.  We expect miraculous healing of hardened, addicted, sinful hearts during these days!  Take our mustard seed faith and do the impossible!  We believe!



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