Fast Devotional – Day Three
Title: Seeking and Knowing God with All Your Heart
Text: Psalm 9:10
Written by: Ryan Clay
And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not fthose who seek you. (Psalm 9:10, ESV)
We serve a God who is trustworthy. But have you ever found it difficult to actually trust what God’s word says? Have you ever doubted that His promises are true for you? In Psalm 9, we are reminded by the psalmist that the Lord has never abandoned those who seek him. And because of this truth and because God is unchanging, we can trust him!
Recently I went through a season where it was difficult to believe the Lord had not forsaken me. I was feeling deeply lonely at times, in a way I had never experienced up to this point. I knew what God’s word said - that he had never forsaken those who seek him, that he will never leave me for his name’s sake, that the Lord will not abandon his people - but I was believing this didn’t apply to me. Then at one point during this time I felt like I was at a crossroads and this is where God started to shift me.
First, I had to look at how I was seeking the Lord - was I seeking him with all my heart? When I started to do this, I quickly grew deeper in my faith and in my knowledge of God’s character. Also my desire shifted toward knowing God in a personal way, rather than just knowing about God. I also had to ask if I was willing to take God at his word. This is difficult to do when life is hard and you can’t see how God will show up and prove himself to be faithful. For me, this became a season where God shifted me toward looking forward with expectation of what he would do rather than doubting his word was true.
As we fast and pray together, let’s seek the Lord with our whole heart and be willing to take him at His Word. I believe we’ll see firsthand that He is faithful and trustworthy.
Father, help us to trust you more and forgive us when we doubt. You have proven over and over that you are a trustworthy God. Thank you for how you’ll continue to prove yourself faithful in our lives. Amen.