Fasting Devotional – Day Twenty
Title: Shifting outside our Comfort Zone
Text: Joshua 1:1-8
Written by: Glenda Spence
“Now after the death of His servant Moses, the LORD spoke to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ assistant, saying, 2“Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore arise, you and all these people, and cross over the Jordan into the land that I am giving to the children of Israel.” (Joshua 1:1-2)
WOW! Talk about SHIFT. Joshua, who up to now had been Moses assistant, is now Moses 2.0. Not only does he have to take Moses’ place but also lead people who are at the very least hard to lead. Joshua has just lost his close friend but now must SHIFT into a new role while grieving the loss of Moses. The role that God has called him to probably seemed impossible for Joshua to comprehend. Was he strong enough, was he capable enough, was he wise enough. These thoughts probably went through his mind continually. How could he do all that God was asking? Then God provides an answer in Joshua 1:3-8. He tells Joshua to be strong and courageous. To step (SHIFT) out of his comfort zone because every promise that he made to Moses and Israel was meant for him also. Joshua just needed to look to God, not looking to the right or the left. God will be with him wherever he went.
When I was younger my self-esteem was nonexistent. The thought of talking in front of people was unbearable. I was always, in my mind, less than others. Then God gave me a word (audible) about preparing a sermon. (I thought, “ok, if someone asks me, but I was also thinking, “that will never happen.”) Then about a week later my sister-in-law said that God gave her a dream about me and that she knew I was supposed to speak at the next lady’s meeting. BIG GULP. I had to SHIFT from I can’t to God can. I had to trust that God knew what the best for me was even when it was what I feared the most.
I would say that the biggest obstacle to SHIFTing is our getting out of our comfort zone. I have said to myself “I’m good right here” not understanding that what God had for me was outside that comfort zone and more than I could ever ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).
I challenge you, with Holy Spirit’s leading, to look at the possibilities of doing something different. Saying yes to what God has for you and shifting to a deeper relationship with Him. He is good and He never leaves or forsakes us. He's got us, we just have to say yes!
Father, we are so grateful for Your loving kindness and mercy. We come before You asking for help to see ourselves as You see us. That we are more than conquerors through Christ who strengthens us. You have said that you want us to have a long-satisfied life and in that life to show forth Your glory and Kingdom. In Jesus name, we speak Your word to the fear that holds us back from the destiny You have for us. You did not give us a spirit of fear, but You gave us a spirit of POWER, and of LOVE, and of a SOUND MIND. We shift and fix our eyes and hearts on You. We declare that we will not be held captive by man-made traditions, but just like Joshua, in the middle of our mess, we would SHIFT to what You have for us. In Your Son's name…Amen