Fasting Devotional – Day Eleven
Title: The Secret Place
Text: Matthew 6:16-18
Written by: Heather Lambert
“Moreover, when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. 17 But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, 18 so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.”
(Matthew 16:16-18).
Fasting is fairly new to many of us. Fasting is more than just giving up certain or all foods, fasting is an expected spiritual practice, Jeus says, “when you fast” indicating it is an expectation. Jesus also gives us insight into the intended purposes. We are to fast with focus and not fast as those who are suffering. We are to keep our appearance and words positive and not spend our time talking about our willful suffering by giving up food. There is secret work being done between us and the Father. This is important work between Him and us. This is what fasting is about. In humility, we submit to God, giving a set aside portion of our time to intently seek him in a secret place. This means, prayer and humble submission are important practices that must accompany prayer. Boasting about our suffering or struggles with lacking food to others is not to be a part of this spiritual discipline. Stay focused!
I have certainly failed in many ways during many years of our call to fasting as a church. I have searched recipe after recipe, read label after label all trying to minimize my discomfort. I have bemoaned my hunger and weight loss to others as a difficulty during the fast. It is hard, and we will need encouragement and accountability, but we must discipline ourselves to keep the focus on the Father and the secret place where we commune with him that tastes far better than any “fast friendly” recipe.
What about you? Today are you focused more on the sweet reward of being in the presence of Holy God or what you can do to not suffer as you hunger? Are you disciplining yourself to shift your pain to praise? Are you asking for strength from God in the minutes of your struggle? Are you asking for ministering angels as you hunger? (Matthew 4:11) Are you believing your reward will come from God as you discipline yourself to finish strong? Can you feel God strengthening you? What is your plan when you are weak? Seek him in your secret place!
Father God, we need you, Oh we need you! Every hour we need you! Humble us as we recognize how weak we are. Strengthen us with your mighty hand of correction and comfort. Commune with us in the secret place. I pray every believer, who is reading this prayer will feel strengthened in their inner man. I pray they will crave a life-giving, life-changing encounter with you far more than bread to quiet their rumbling belly. Father, we give you FIRST place. Help us to stay focused and receive our rewards with gladness!