Communion (The Lord’s Supper) is a special time of commemoration – for believers to remember the suffering & death of Christ. Traditionally, the church (Clearpoint included) has observed communion in a large worship gathering on Sundays, Good Friday gatherings, Easter Celebrations, Christmas Eve services and various other times of the year. Regardless of how frequently we partake of Communion, it is such a powerful interaction with God and fellow believers, that it must be observed with humility, openness, and reverence, remembering “as often as we do it” what He did and testifying to the work He is still doing in us!
Some of the most meaningful times of worship at Clearpoint Church have been in gatherings where we have observed the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper (communion). The method by which we partake together at Clearpoint Church is really special, allowing each person to pause, examine themselves, spend time in prayer, repentance, and confession, followed by partaking of the elements alone or with a group of friends, family or members of a Life Group.
The DOWNLOADABLE GUIDE guide provides a list of practical tips for Preparing and Sharing Communion as a family or in a small group gathering.