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Brian Lambert

Fasting Devotional – Day Twelve Text: I Kings 15:8-15 Written by: Bill Brod


Change can be difficult. Regarding spiritual improvements in your own life, how far are you willing to go and at what cost? As King of Judah, Asa was dedicated to getting rid of the idol worship afflicting his people and his commitment to the task did not discriminate. When Asa heard his grandmother had made a repulsive Asherah pole, he had her deposed (removed) as Judah’s Queen Mother! The first time I read this passage, I couldn’t help but think of the silly song, Grandma Got Run Over By A Reign Dear (slightly modified). But in all seriousness, would you be willing to forego a loving relationship or incur some other hardship if that’s what it took to remove a stumbling block to draw closer to God? In verse 11 it says, “Asa did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.”


In my own life, I have had to distance myself from people and things that negatively impact my walk with the Lord, all in an effort to do what is right in His eyes. What obstacles can you identify in your life today that hinder your walk with God? What changes need to be made? Are you willing and able to make those changes now?


Father, I prayerfully ask for your direction and strength to draw closer to you in 2023 and to remove whatever it is (or who it is) that has become an idol or that is holding me back from drawing close to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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