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From Past To Future

LeChelle Smith

Fasting Devotional – Day Nineteen

Title: From Past to Future

Text: Philippians 3:13-14

Written by: LeChelle Smith

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14, CSB)




In this passage Paul focuses on shifting from the past to the future.  Paul reminds us we should not look at our past failures but to press onward toward our goals and the prize that awaits which is Jesus himself.  It tells us to let go of the past and move toward our God given calling and purpose. 


When I read these verses, it leads me to think on the season of life that I am currently experiencing parenthood.  Not only parenthood but being a parent to two strong willed teenagers.  I know I have made countless mistakes along the way but one thing I know is that God has not made a mistake by giving me these children to raise and guide them to His glory.  Nor does He want me to continue to look back on my past failures.  He continues to remind me that He is with me and will help guide me to raise strong Godly children whose testimonies will speak to others now and in the future.  When I spend time with God speaking to Him on these things He reminds me that I am His child and He is always there right next to me not watching but helping and guiding me along this journey that He has laid out before me.  As long as I seek Him and ask for guidance and wisdom, I know He will make this journey not only a successful one but one filled with thankfulness and praises to Him.  It shifts my perspective to the future instead of the past and all the good things He has planned not only for me but my children and family



If your currently in this season I see you, I hear you and I challenge you to not only seek God for He will provide guidance and wisdom but seek out other parents (come find me, I would love to encourage you).  Do this not only seek encouragement but to be encouraging to one another as well (I know I need it daily).  If you are past this season, I challenge you to seek out and encourage a parent who is in the trenches.  I am so encouraged by parents who have been through this season and find their wisdom to be priceless and it does help me to not feel alone.  The countless prayers and encouragement have allowed me to make it through some of the most difficult parenting times and in retrospect has made my faith and reliance on God even stronger.          



Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you on behalf of all those who have raised, are raising and will raise up your next generation. I ask that you provide guidance, wisdom and a community of encouragers for I feel it takes a village.  You said we are not meant to do life alone but in community and I speak that over all your people.  Shift our minds and align our hearts to speak your truths into our younger generation so that they will not only bring you glory but speak your praises and make your name known to future generations.  In Jesus name, Amen.

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