Fasting Devotional – Day Seventeen
Title: Holy Spirit - Lead. Convict. Empower.
Text: John 16:8-11
Written by: Heather Lambert
And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment: 9 concerning sin, because they do not believe in me; 10 concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father, and you will see me no longer; 11 concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged. (John 16:8-11, ESV)
In John 16 Jesus tells his disciples that it is to their advantage that he is going away? Why? Because the Holy Spirit would not come and dwell within them, lead them, convict them, or empower them, until Jesus departed from the Earth. (vs 8-11) Jesus, himself, said the Holy Spirit was to come. I am convinced and convicted now more than ever that I have not fully understood the great gift of the Holy Spirit. I have said the names of the Trinity. I have mostly found myself connected to the Jesus who died and was raised to life. I have understood the gift of Jesus from the Father. But have I understood the gift of the Holy Spirit as a gift from the Father? Have you? Do we take advantage of the indwelling God, the Holy Spirit? I want to submit to the SHIFT of opening my heart, mind, and life to the full control and gift of the Holy Spirit.
But, how are we to know if we are surrendered to, baptized with, and empowered by the Holy Spirit? The teachings of Jesus and throughout the word help explain dependence as an awareness; an open ear and heart to the powerful leading of the Holy Spirit. Consider your life, today. Can you see the Holy Spirit at work in your life? Reflect on this checklist from scripture:
In my life, does the Holy Spirit
o Teach and remind me of scriptural truths to stand upon (John 14:26)
o Give me gifts to use to serve others and build the Kingdom and his church (1 Cor 12)
o Convict me of our sin (John 16:18)
o Lead me to produce fruit (Galatians 5:22-23)
o Put a song in my heart (Eph 5:18-20)
o Lead me to give thanks to God (2 Thessalonians 2:13)
o Lead me to submit to one another out of reverence for Jesus (Eph 5:21)
o Empower me to stand strong for the things of God (Eph 6:17)
o Remind me of my God-given righteousness (John 16:8)
o Trade in my “fear” for “power, love, and self-control” (2 Timothy 1:7)
o Give me supernatural power (Romans 8:6-11)
o Protect me, seal my salvation (Eph 1:13)
o Baptize me in his power (Matt 3:11, Mark 1:8, John 1:33, Acts 1:5)
o Transform my prayers (Romans 8:26)
o Gives me a powerful witness (Acts 1:8)
Am I living a life, indwelled by the Spirit, that I could not otherwise live? I believe God wants to shift Clearpoint Church into a new spiritual dimension. “He wants to shift us from fear to confidence, from confusion to peace, from bondage to freedom, from pain to power, from pride to humility, from an impoverished mindset to a realization of our authority in Jesus Christ, and from thinking of ourselves as victims to knowing we are victors in Christ. God wants to shift us from our addictions to His anointing, from our depression to His delight, from our selfishness to a spirit of servanthood, from the natural to the supernatural, and He wants to shift today’s church from death to revival.” (Copied from Shift, Oral Roberts University, You Version SHIFT devotions, Dec 2024)
Father God, Forgive us for not fully opening, utilizing, and appreciating the great gift of the Holy Spirit given to us by you for your purposes. Forgive us for ignorance, doubt, fear, comfort, or protection of personal appearances. Today, we confess this as sin. We ask you to empower us to know, to learn, to grow, to release. Holy Sprit, we welcome you as you shift us into the powerful witnesses on Earth for the Kingdom of Heaven. Use us as your yielded vessels. We are glad Jesus left this Earth and gave us you. Amen!