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Fast 2021: Day One

Brian Lambert

Text: John 1:1-28

In the beginning was the Word. The Word is not a thing, a book, a sermon or a series of letters that construct a spoken sound – it is a person, a “He” – He is Jesus. He is the maker of everything, every galaxy, every mountain, every breath, every breeze and every resource on the planet. He is the Creator of all mankind and all that mankind is privileged to enjoy. He made all things and His greatest desire is to be known by those He made. That is amazing for us as those He made, because our greatest need is to know Him and to be known by Him – Jesus, the Word, our creator and Lord!

You must admit, John the Baptist was a weird dude! He was uniquely created for a purpose; specifically to be a witness. He was exclusively created to be the first to believe the Word, to talk about Him, to make Him known. John was the “voice” bringing to light the very truth of who the Messiah would reveal Himself to be. As he proclaimed the truth regarding Messiah, there were many who believed that possibly he (John) was the Messiah, the “prophet,” the Promised One. In that very moment, John had to make a choice – to receive the glory for himself or to reflect the glory to Christ, his Creator. John chose, in all of his weirdness to live out the destiny he was created for. John chose to make Christ known!


You and I were each created with our own unique “weirdness” to reflect the Glory of Christ. The great challenge we face every day is to receive the glory for ourselves or to reflect the glory to our Creator. We are called to know Christ, the Word and to make Him known.

Be satisfied and secure with the fact that He made you, you. He has a purpose. He has a plan. He has put His Spirit and Light in you, so you, like John, can live out the destiny He has planned for you – to know Him and to make Him known!

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